Making the most of opportunities to improve the community, this recycling center in Santa Maria follows the model SA Recycling has established to reuse scrap materials. Not only helping to clean up the community from unwanted waste, the project was in itself, a renewal. On this site, unsightly buildings, environmentally unfriendly processes, and antiquated equipment have been replaced by an updated facility.
SA Recycling Center (Santa Maria, CA) – SA Recycling worked closely with City Staff and listened to the community in selecting a location for this project. The existing vehicle storage yard with diesel equipment has been replaced by low noise, electrical baling equipment. Metal waste is redeemed by both commercial and residential customers, encouraging the recycling of otherwise discarded material. Hazardous materials are no longer allowed to be brought onto the sight uncontrolled. Strict local, State, and Federal standards now regulate all operations. Air quality, noise, and traffic were all study extensively prior to approval of the project.
Bethel Engineering assisted the client in site design, stormwater quality treatment and control, improved accessibility, improved circulation, and provided opportunities to enhance the site with landscaping and screening. The aesthetic improvements speak for themselves.
Contact: Robin Robinson (714) 412-7526
Project Before Pics
Project After Pics